Here you are.

In the german translations of the Carl Barks Duck family comics by Erika Fuchs, “Panzerknacker AG” is the name of the Beagle Boys Inc., who try to rob Uncle $crooge all the time. “AG” is short for a stock corporation. Say “Safecrackers, Inc.".

They never run out of courage, perseverance and recklessness to overcome the seemingly impossible: penetrate all the armouring and safeguards to get into the vault with the greatest treasure of the world.

What is concealed in my own vault? In your’s? The world’s?

We find out.

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Creator ° Lover ° Healer


This is an art gallery, not a blog. Since you probably won’t read all the posts chronologically from the rock bottom up, I prepared a guided tour: Follow.


Use these. I do.

Online Etymology Dictionary

Urban Dictionary


Cover drawing of this website and of the book cover of “Mein Herz schickt mich” courtesy of Carlos Obers.

The Golden Ankh in Die Füllung and on the book cover of “You can love me, too” was inspired by the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot card “Wheel of Fortune“. I wanted to have one for years. Eventually I got it designed and manufactured as a pendant for me by Heide Hagen.

Subscribe to Panzerknacker AG

Unravelling it. Robbing you.


Creator ° Lover ° Healer